First new project for 2023 - Late Romans

As I've hinted at in a few recent weekly updates, I've been gearing up for a brand new project. I've delved through my books, scoured the Internet and made some purchases. As we end the year it's time to reveal that the new project is Late Romans from the mid 4th Century to the early 5th Century. Now this isn't a new interest, I have been looking at this since the 90's. As is the norm for me something else always came along. There was a hint in a post earlier in the year as my interest was rekindled, then a trio of things aligned to give me the push. The first was the release of the superb Victrix and to a lesser extent Wargames Atlantic plastic figures. The second was finding the Pendragon series of novels by James Wilde at the library. The third was a 20% off sale at Victrix. The core of the forces bought and ready to start I'd often thought about an Arthurian collection, (with Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Chronicles...