2022 - last third update

And that's the end of 2022.  Was it a good year?  I found it hard going in many, many ways.  Thank goodness I had my family and the hobby to fall back on during the difficult times.  Here's how I did against the plan I published at the beginning of September.

Existing projects

  • Anglo-Sikh Wars
    • Complete movement trays and add flags for each unit - Completed. 👍👍 All the movement trays are painted and textured and all the infantry standard bearers are now fully employed with a flag to wave.  I suppose I should have done the cavalry guidons but I couldn't find any info so I put that off.  
  • 16th Century Western European Wars (15mm) - No progress. 👎
    • Make scenery to go with English church model
    • Purchase/make specific terrain
    • Look at buying more figures to extend the collection back to the 1540s and also for the Irish Wars - I didn't buy the figures to do this but in buying the Grumpy's Landsknechts I have now got more flexibility for the later wars. 
  • Algerian War (20mm) - No progress. 👎
    • Repaint helicopter models
  • WW2 Italy 43-45 (15mm) - No progress. 👎
    • Work on bases for the MDF buildings I repainted in the summer 
    • Repaint water tower building
  • Zona Alfa/Last Days Zombie apocalypse (20mm) - No progress. 👎
    • Work on MDF buildings
    • Make specific terrain/scenic pieces
  • Fantasy terrain (28mm) - No progress. 👎
    • Make terrain/scenic pieces that can be used for Celtos, Warmachine/Hordes and Burrows and Badgers
  • Decide what to do with unused 28mm figures - Completed. 👍 I sold all the 15mm and  28mm WW2 figures that would not see the table and made a nice bit to spend on new projects. 
  • Continue blogging - 👍👍  I added another 20 or so posts to the blog.  Page views have now reached over 22,500.  The weekly hobby update gets a fair few views, but quite a few of the specific posts which I think would interest people barely got any.  My poor Stug IIIG post has had no views, being WW2 I thought it would be popular. 
  • Improve on storage - 👍  This is one of those tasks that is never completed, but I have spent a fair bit of time putting like with like so the collection is better organised.
  • Finish the 1/48th Sopwith Camel model - I need to work up the courage to do the rigging and final assembly and this is done. 

New projects

  • Start a new project in 6mm or 10mm for larger scope games - 👍  I bought two 1,000 point 10mm Warmaster Revolution armies and I've been getting on with those.
  • Start skirmish level medieval Japan project - No progress. 👎  The Warmaster Revolution project took over and this one never got off the ground.  I'll return to it at some stage.


  • Play a minimum of 3 games.  In mind as I write this are:
    • Fantasy using my Celtos figures - 👍👍  I played two very enjoyable games of Warlords of Eherwon using my collection. AARs here and here, but that was all I managed.
    • 16th Century
    • WW2 Eastern Front
    • Burrows & Badgers 
    • Seven Years War
    • Ancients using my 10mm Punic Wars collection
    • Warmachine/Hordes

Summary September to December progress

On first glance I didn't do too well against the list did I?  Early in September I got very heavily into Warmaster Revolution and subsequently a lot of my hobby time was absorbed by this project.  I now have the core of a Chaos Dwarf army ready and have started on the Ogres so it was time well spent, even if it was at the expense of existing projects, but that always happens when something new comes along.  

The year in summary:

  • Figures painted  - 279
    • 28mm - 10 (Old West)
    • 20mm - 161 (Algerian War, First Anglo-Sikh War)
    • 10mm - 108 (Warmaster Revolution)
  • Vehicles painted - 1 (WW2)
  • Terrain
    • Indo-China village repainted and base made
    • Jungle scatter made
    • Woodland scatter made
    • Desert hills made
    • Mediterranean buildings repainted 
  • Games played by period (rules) - 9
    • Old West (Donnybrook) - 1
    • WW2 (Bolt Action) - 1
    • French Wars of Decolonisation (Ambush Alley) - 2
    • 19th C (Ambush Alley) - 1
    • Fantasy (Burrows and Badgers) - 2
    • Fantasy (Warlords of Eherwon/Celtos) - 2

As usual I didn't get as many games in as I'd have liked.  It's the space and time problem that stops me gaming more regularly.  I need to get creative on this in 2023 and look for some form of solution.  Talking of 2023 what will I be working on?  Well you'll have to read the New Year plan to find out


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