The hobby week - 26 November to 02 December

It's been a full on week work wise but I have done some hobby bits.

  • I've finished the Stug IIIG that's been sitting on the table for ages.  There's more of it here.
  • The regiment of 10mm Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses for Warmaster Revolution is nearly done.  Just the command stand and some final texturing of the bases to do which I hope to do this weekend. 

Research & Reading

  • I've been watching The English on BBC iPlayer.  I think it's superb and makes me want to give the Old West collection a run out.  
  • I've continued alternating between reading Iron Kingdoms, the history of Prussia 1660 to 1947 and Sharpe's Fortress.  


  • I've got a few orders on the way where I've reinvested all the money from my eBay sales and some birthday money I was given.  When these arrive they'll form the basis of my projects for a fair bit of 2023.  


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