The hobby week - 19 November to 25 November

I've had a decent week hobby wise. I've made steady progress with a regiment of 10mm Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses for Warmaster Revolution. Learning from my first batch of Chaos Dwarfs I split a lot of the strips as I find them easier to paint this way. They're quirky, characterful little models which is why I chose to collect this army. I've done more of the Stug IIIG that's been sitting on the table for ages. Just details and weathering to do now. Dwarfs and a Stug in progress I've finished adding the magnets to my Warmachine and Hordes figures. I like mixing this sort of practical, straightforward job with painting. Handling the figures gives me a real appreciation of what lovely sculpts most of them are. If I say so myself there's some decent paint jobs as well. Warmachine Hordes I got the time to take some photos and write a post about the 10mm Ogres that I finished last week. You can see the ugly, fat blighters here ....