Ogre Bulls

Finally here's the first two units for my 10mm Warmaster Revolution Ogre Kingdoms army. 

These are two units of Ogre Bulls, the mainstay of any Ogre force.  

I thought these would be simple to do but what with Covid and brittle resin they seemed to be thwarting me.  I got there in the end and I'm pleased with how they've come out.  They're incredibly detailed little models, something that could probably only be achieved with 3D design and printing.  

They were printed three to a base and the original plan was to leave them on the bases.  However, the base was only 1mm deep so it would have been difficult to move them without touching the models when playing.  Having now gained an appreciation for how brittle tiny bits of resin are I didn't want to  be continually repairing my lovingly painted models.  I'd also already broken two of the bases which made up my mind for me.  I cut/broke some of the models off to leave a mixture of pairs and individual Ogres.  Using a pair of heavy cutters I also nibbled away at the bases reducing them right down.  They were much easier to paint as singles or in pairs.  They were then based on 20x40mm bases from Warbases.  I added a layer of Milliput to build up the levels, then a layer of Vallejo texture and then when this was all painted I added some flock, static grass and the odd tufts.

I do like these little chaps even though they look like the sort that would have season tickets for The London Stadium.  I've also now worked out the method for working on these so should be able to complete the remaining units much quicker.


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