The hobby week - 29 October to 04 November

Much of this week has been a real struggle.  Since contracting Covid last week I've felt very tired and woozy, had trouble concentrating and had to really force myself to do much at times.  I really hope this doesn't last too much longer. 


  • I've finally finished the two 10mm Chaos Dwarf regiments for Warmaster Revolution.  For 10mm I've probably spent far too much time on them but overall they're quite pleasing.  I'll take some more pics of these and do a proper post when I feel more like it.
  • Staying with Warmaster Revolution and 10mm, I've started two Ogre Bull regiments.  These are lovely little models, the size of a (fat) human in 15mm so I have plenty of experience doing this size of mini.   They're printed in a staggered formation, three to a base with space between each figure and are proving a joy to paint. 
  • I've been spending a bit more time trying to tidy up my collection and storing like with like.  It's an ongoing job but I am slowly getting somewhere.  It's still spread around two rooms and the loft but I do feel a bit more organised. 

Research & Reading

  • I've been reading The Northern Wars 1558 - 1721 by Robert. I. Frost.  This is a period and geographical region that I've long been interested in, but haven't read about for awhile and it's good to revisit.


  • Inspired by the above I took advantage of a free £5 voucher from Amazon to get a copy of On the Borderlands of Great Empires.  This is one of the From Retinue to Regiment series from Helion.  I've got a few in this series now and they're all very good.  I hope they do a lot more. 


  1. Organizing the collection is always a good thing. The last time I did it I was surprised at how much painted stuff I had.

    1. Yes it's always worth having a tidy up, even if it's just to trying and make space for more new stuff.


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