The hobby week - 05 November to 11 November

I'm pleased to say that I'm feeling much better and as the week has progressed I've felt more like hobbying.


  • I've been continuing to work on the two 10mm  Ogre Bull regiments for Warmaster Revolution.  The painting is almost complete, but being a resin rookie I failed to notice the bases were warped so I've been looking at how to sort these out so I can complete them. 
  • I've started on two 10mm Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss regiments for Warmaster Revolution.  Over the weekend I didn't have the patience to do any proper painting and thought they'd be an easy way to at least do something as Covid left me.  And you know what thought did?  As well as warping, I've started to discover how brittle resin is, so I had a bit of fixing to do before I could prime them.  But they're all now ready to start painting once the ogres are done.
  • I've done a tiny bit more of the 1/76th Stug IIIG from Butler's Printed Models.  As soon as the Ogres are done I need to knuckle down and complete this.
Stuff in progress on the table
  • I've added a post with photos of the completed Chaos Dwarf axemen regiments.  You can see these here.

Research & Reading

  • I've finished reading The Northern Wars 1558 - 1721 by Robert. I. Frost.  Much of the text is to do with the political situation and placing the wars in context of the challenges each of the combatants faced.  There are some very interesting sections on how the respective armies evolved and also some brief descriptions of some of the key engagements such as Warsaw 1656 and Poltava 1709 .  Overall a really worthwhile read.  Of course the problem is I've started thinking about some of these conflicts as future projects.


  • I've recently had a birthday and I was given a few bits.  As I have mentioned before I like Adrian Goldsworthy so I was very pleased to get The Complete Roman Army, which takes it from the Republic to the Fall.  I've wanted my own copy of Beowulf for a long time and this version from the excellent Anglo-Saxon Books is the Old English and a modern English translation.  And you can never have too many washes/dips. 
  • I treated myself to another book from Helion.  They keep having sales and whenever I look I could finding ones I like even cheaper from other sellers!  This came from Caliver Books via Amazon and was with me in 3 days so good service.  This is from the Century of the Soldier series but actually covers the forces of Muscovy for the whole of the Renaissance from 1462 to 1689 when Peter the Great modernised the forces along Western lines.  I say this every time but I do like what Helion are doing. 



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