Unwanted miniatures needing new homes

In trying to instil some order to my collection over the last couple of weeks, I collected together all the minis that will never get on the table.  These are ones from long abandoned projects.  Rather than have them taking up valuable storage space (and yes we're at the stage where even a few spaces counts) I've decided to try and find new homes for them.  They're up on eBay, if you have any questions pop them in the comments and I'll get back to you.

28mm Artizan Designs WW2 SAS/LRDG 



Warlord Games 28mm plastic WW2 Waffen SS


Perry Miniatures 28mm Ninjas


Peter Pig 15mm WW2 British/Commonwealth 14th Army

Peter Pig 15mm WW2 Japanese Burma/Far East



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