Chaos Dwarf axemen

As mentioned in last week's update I finally finished off the first two Chaos Dwarf regiments.  They took a bit longer than anticipated mainly due to contracting the dreaded Covid-19, but I got there in the end.

These were the first 3D printed figures I've painted and the first 10mm fantasy figures.

They take acrylic very well, in fact I used regular AP Matt Black as the primer, without bothering with my usual enamel primer.  They are a bit brittle with a number of broken axe heads.  However, with careful use of tweezers and superglue and a fair bit of swearing the bits reattach reasonably well.  

I do like the way they look en masse which is the whole point of using smaller scales.  At the minute I'm still finding my feet with honing a painting technique.  I have painted quite a lot of 10mm when I did my Punic Wars forces, but these are the first that are in strips and I'm spending a lot of time correcting where I've touched an adjacent figure.  I'm also finding out all about the joys of resin - warping and breakages especially.  


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