The hobby week - 12 November to 18 November

I've had a busy week work wise so haven't got too much done.

  • The majority of the hobby time I've had has been spent finishing the two 10mm Ogre Bull regiments for Warmaster Revolution.  I'm really pleased with them and when time permits I'll take some photos and do a post on them.  
  • The only other thing I've done was to add magnets to the bases of some more Warmachine and Hordes figures.  No more sliding about for these brutes!

Research & Reading

  • I've not looked into anything much but I have been watching SAS Rogue Heroes on BBC.  I made a conscious effort to disengage my inner WW2 nerd and just enjoy it as a comic book bit of fun.  And it has been enjoyable, I've just got the one episode to go now.


  • A small order from the ever reliable Warbases arrived on Saturday.  This was a couple of packs of 20x40mm bases for the Ogres and a nice little 10mm Elizabethan style cottage that I've had my eye on for awhile. 


  • As mentioned last week I put some figures from abandoned projects up on eBay.  I didn't sell everything and those I thought would sell are the ones that didn't!  A bit of space cleared, a nice few quid for other projects and something less to think about.  I've just got to make a decision on my 28mm WW1 figures and whether this project will ever be resurrected. 


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