The hobby week - 23 July to 29 July

Back to normal Summer time weather in the UK this week - dull as ditch water and around 20 C. I'm not complaining at all, it certainly makes it easier to do anything. Painting/modelling I completed the Apocalyptic/Dark Old West Cultists which you can see here . I cleaned up, primed and started painting a unit of Bengal Light Dragoons for the First Anglo-Sikh War. This is the last unit I've got left to do for this project. I cleaned up a pack of three British Generals, the last of the Sikh Wars figures. Research & Reading After spending time last week looking at Ancients and Medievals and finding nothing to really inspire, I revisited an old interest of Japanese warfare. And this has inspired me, specifically the Medieval era of the Gempei Wars and the Mongol Invasions. I'll be posting on this in the next few weeks. Incoming! On the back of my rekindled interest in Medieval Japan I ordered up two Osprey Campaign books....