The hobby week - 25 June to 01 July

I had a reasonable bit of hobby time this week and I managed to get a few bits done.  


  • I completed painting the artillery crews for the Anglo-Sikh Wars but couldn't finish them as I was waiting for the bases to come through.  
  • While I was waiting on the bases for the artillery to arrive, I dug out and completed my last few figures to represent FLN fighters for the Algerian War.  You can see them here.
  • I started on the three additional Sikh dragoons to bring the unit I'd completed last year up to full strength.  

Research & Reading

  • I've finished reading The First Anglo-Sikh War by Amarpal Singh.  The second half is a battlefield guide so I just read the battlefield descriptions of the time.  Not much point reading the modern directions and info as I don't see a trip to the Punjab happening anytime soon! 


A few bits arrived this week:
  • On Monday a sprue each of Perry Miniatures Confederate infantry and North Star Frostgrave Cultists arrived from SGS Model Store (my sprue provider of choice).  They provide an excellent service with orders despatched very quickly, good prices and fair postage prices too.  I blame listening to too many Plastic Crack Podcasts talking about kitbashing for why I bought these.  On their arrival and looking at the SGS website again I wish I'd ordered some more, which I promptly did.  
  • Subsequently on Thursday a sprue each of Perry Union Command, Union Skirmishers and Great Escape Games Gunfighters arrived.  I've now got a nice selection of bits and as ideas develop I'll be adding these gradually to my Apocalyptic/Dark Old West collection which is the depository for all my weird stuff. 


  1. Those Sikhs are coming nicely and look good.

    1. Thanks Richard. The bases have arrived now for the Sikh Wars artillery so they should be done this week.


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