A few more ALN for the Algerian War

I finished off the final batch of ALN fighters for the Algerian War project this week.  It's been three months since I did the last batch.

Three are Battlezone Miniatures (ex. Sgt, Major): 1 rifle-grenadier, coming from the USMC 1943-44 Rifle Squad pack: a greatcoated rifle-grenadier, from the late war US Army Support pack; and the bazooka team no.2, from the US Airborne support pack.  I replaced their M1 helmeted heads with the last few spare heads wearing caps I had.  With the exception of the head swaps they didn't need any further work to make very passable ALN mujahedeen, fitting very well with the rest of the platoon I've built up this year.

The other four figures are Newline Designs Jaidia Warriors from their Sudan Mahdist range.  They do well enough for the fighter from a less well equipped unit without making any changes.  Although they haven't got the customary hood, the garments they're wearing are good enough djellabas.

These were nice and quick to turn round.  One of the benefits of the blog is that if you make the effort to document the steps you take on a piece of work you have that record for the next time you do it.  That really helps when the old memory isn't what it was!  That's it for all the Algerian War figures for the moment.  Time to sort out a game.


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