The hobby week - 16 July to 22 July

The first half of the week was so hot that it was a complete write off, particularly from a hobby perspective.  My painting table was out of bounds being as it is in a South facing room.  Paint was actually drying as soon as I squeezed it out the dropper bottle.  However, I did manage to get some bits done later on in the week but I'm feeling quite frustrated as I had the week all planned out and I've  done nowhere near what I wanted to do.


  • I completed the Sikh zealots, which you can see more of here.    

  • I starting cleaning up the last unit of Sikh Wars figures, a dozen Bengal light cavalry.  These will probably take me into August to complete.

  • I almost completed the cultists made from combining Northstar's Frostgrave Cultists with Great Escape Games Gunfighters/cowboys for my Apocalyptic/Dark Old West collection.  If it wasn't for that pesky hot weather I'd have got these done.  They'd pictured below at the pre-priming stage. 

Research & Reading

  • I finished "Sharpe's Triumph" by  Bernard Cornwell.  A really entertaining read, apparently based relatively closely on the actual history which is a bonus.
  • As I come to the end of the Sikh Wars figures, my thoughts are once again turning to a new project.  I seem to periodically go down this route in the summer and once again I'm looking at Ancients and Medievals.  So many wars, so little time!  The question of rules always rears it's ugly head.  I use to play WAB a bit years ago and I've had Warmaster Ancients for years but never used it.  I've been spending too much time looking at the plethora of rule sets available and I'm not sure I'm any the wiser.  I want a  system that works well for smaller scale multi-based figures, but crucially works for solo play.  Any ideas anyone?


  • I restocked on some supplies that I was running low on and they all came midweek.  Army Painter washes and paint and a couple of Javis brushes, all from Cottage Craft.  One of my regular suppliers, Cottage Craft offer good prices, free postage over £10 and quick despatch.  
  • The tufts are Tajima, another regular supplier who offer good products at fair prices and a efficient and reliable service. 


  1. Sharpe's Triumph is next on my book list.

    1. Highly recommended. I think you'll enjoy it Ray.


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