The hobby week - 02 July to 08 July

It's been a very busy week work and otherwise, but I managed to squeeze a bit of hobby time in and finish a few bits off.  


  • The bases came so I was able to complete the artillery crews for the Anglo-Indian forces for Anglo-Sikh Wars.  Lots of pics here.    

  • I've based the crews and finished the bases for the Sikh artillery but just need to paint and attach the cannons.  Part of the reason they're not finished is due to not knowing what colours to paint them.  I need to stop peeing about and get on with them.

  • I finished the three Sikh dragoons that I'd bought to increase the strength of the unit I'd completed last year.  More on these here

Research & Reading

  • I've read Simon Bolivar and Spanish American Independence 1783-1830, which I'd ordered through my library service.  This is a period of history I know nothing about.  Absolutely fascinating little book written in the '60s.  Will I ever game the period?  Who knows but just knowing a bit more history is good and it all helps to place later South American conflicts in context. 


  • Only one thing but very important as it enabled me to complete some units.  A pack of 60mmx60mm bases for the Sikh Wars artillery arrived.  Usually I get all my bases from Warbases, but I picked these up off from Hocka Hey/Timeline Miniatures via eBay.  Taking into account the P&P, for a single pack they were cheaper and I wanted to see if there was any difference in quality.  They're as good as anything I've had from Warbases and it's good to know there's another quality base supplier out there.  


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