Old West Cultists

2022 to date has been the year of 20mm figures.  All my figure painting has been in this scale and the other week I felt like a change.

Inspired/intrigued by pictures I'd seen of the 28mm Northstar Cultists, my initial idea was to kitbash these with some Perry Confederates. I ordered up some sprues from SGS Models and they came very quickly.  However, I felt the Confederate arms were too slender, so I went back on SGS's site and ordered up some Great Escape Games Gunfighters.  A couple of days later, these arrived and looked a more similar heft.  I chose the arms with the earlier weaponry as my fictional Apocalyptic/Dark Old West is pre-Civil War, so I didn't want Colt Peacemakers, of which there's a plethora on the Great Escape sprue. With some judicious application of Greenstuff and cutting I managed to attach the arms to the Cultist bodies and they came out OK. 

One thing I'm not too keen on is the size of the hands.  They're MASSIVE!  What is it with sculptors and shovel like hands?  I can't imagine sculptors have got oversize hands themselves.  If so how do they do all that fiddly work?  But it was Hobson's choice really with the weapons I wanted to add so I had to go with them.  

They painted up well enough.  28mm always seems easy to paint, but perhaps that's just in comparison to spending so much time on the smaller scales.  It certainly made a change and that has given me a second wind for a final push to complete the final Sikh Wars figures.   

The Cultists will join the cast of 100s in my Old West collection and will see service as bandits or religious nutters, not much difference between the two really.  I've also got the rest of the Gunfighters sprue which will make another five characters.  I'm not sure what I'll do with Perry Confederates though.  


  1. It comes from needing shovel sized hands to wield the park bench sized swords on fantasy figures

  2. Hahahaha, brilliant! That explains it perfectly.


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