The hobby week - 09 July to 15 July

Phew it's been hot!  This has impacted my hobby time as my painting table is in a South facing room.  And work has been hectic with a project I've been working on all year finally coming to a conclusion.  I did manage to get some bits done. 


  • I completed the Sikh artillery bases for the Anglo-Sikh Wars.  You can see more here.    

  • Still with the Sikh Wars, I cleaned up and made good progress painting a couple of packs of Sikh zealots.  These are particularly nice sculpts.

  • And for something completely different I mixed the arms from the Great Escape Games Gunfighters/cowboys sprue with the bodies and heads from the Northstar Frostgrave Cultists to make some sinister looking varmints for my Apocalyptic/Dark Old West collection.  I got as far as priming these.
  • And another completely different thing I've been experimenting with how to paint the sample 2mm Ancients figures I'd bought back in March.  I understand the idea behind this scale but can't say at this stage I'm finding it too rewarding from a painting perspective. 

Research & Reading

  • For an easy read to relax I've turned to Bernard Cornwell's "Sharpe's Triumph".  I've read quite a lot of Cornwell's other books, which I've always enjoyed, but didn't read a Sharpe until last year when I read "Sharpe's Tiger".  I really like those set in India, principally because Obidiah Hakeswill is in them.  What a great character, immortalised of course by the later great Pete Postlethwaite in the Sharpe TV series. 


  • No purchases this week. 


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