The hobby week - 21 May to 27 May

A successful week of hobby activity. I'm taking The Yarkshire Gamer's advice and "not fcking about just getting it done". Gaming I played another game of Burrows and Badgers. Read the AAR here . Painting/modelling I finished the rocky scatter terrain pieces for use in Algeria and Mediterranean games. To see more have a look here . I did a quick conversion job on an Old West shack for my B & B game. I wanted it to look a bit more "oldy, worldy" so settled on a turf roof. This was a bit of old brown flannel (washcloth) cut to slightly bigger than the roof to allow for a slight overhang. I brushed Dulux grass green emulsion over this but was careful to allow some of the brown to still show through. I added highlights using increasing amounts of Dulux matched to Iraqui Sand to the green. I didn't even stick it down as it balanced on the roof well enough (well for most of the game it did). Rough and ready...