The hobby week - 14 May to 20 May

I've had quite a busy week on the hobby front, doing things that should have been done ages ago!


  • I played my first game of Burrows and Badgers.  Read the AAR here.  


  • I finally managed to finish the rocky hills for Algeria/Mediterranean games.  You can see more of these here
  • I've also been working on making some rock scatter terrain.  These aren't quite finished but are well on the way.

Research & Reading

  • I've been reading Fortress of Fury by Matthew Harfly.  It's the seventh of his Bernicia Chronicles series featuring the warrior Beobrand.  The novels are set in 7th Century Britain and are a great romp.  I'm not sure about the history of the books but they're an enjoyable and easy read and make the commute go quicker. 


  • No purchases this week.  I attended The Temple at War living history show on Sunday and took a wedge of cash but there was nothing to tempt me apart from food!  It was the first time the event has been staged since 2019 so it was great to be back.  It's a very good day out and well worth attending.  The Hurricane flypast was a marvellous way to end the day and anyone of a certain age (like me) is going to love seeing Officer Crabtree from 'Allo'Allo!.  

  • I've had a couple more books come in from the library service.  My focus is now going to switch back onto the Italian Campaign of WW2 to try and get this project back on track.  I've read quite  a lot about the Cassino campaign over the years and I'm really looking forward to reading Peter Caddick-Adams' take on it.  I find the Italian Campaign so much more interesting than the NW Europe Campaign.  
  • It's good to have another book to read on the Seven Years War.  Yet another conflict that continues to fascinate me.  


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