The hobby week - 07 May to 13 May

I've been quite busy with hobby stuff this week.  The week away has reenergised me with determination in getting on with things.  I  also published my 100th post - fittingly it was about terrain as I have done quite a lot of that since I started the blog. 


  • I've made a couple of batches of woodland scatter terrain.  Quick and easy to knock up.  Have a look here and here
  • I painted all the edges of my conifer tree bases in the Dulux green I had made up for me last year.  They now tone in more with my boards and mat.
  • Burrows  & Badgers is my main focus at the moment and I have created two warbands. I also wrote a post about my intro to the game which you can see here.

Research & Reading

  • I've been studying the B&B rules and looking at videos online so I can actually play a game.  


  • I took a trip to the local Homebase to see my pal Gerry and get some more paints mixed up.  This time I took a swatch of Vallejo Leather Brown and Citadel Dheneb Stone.  I use these a lot for bases and terrain making so makes sense to get bigger quantities made up.  I also picked up a bag of washed sharp sand.  21KG should keep me going for while or for the rest of my days realistically.  
  • Not a purchase but a couple of reservations came through via the county library service.  I've been after these for awhile so was very pleased to pick them up.


  1. Good looking terrain. Always handy on a table.

  2. Thanks Richard. You can never have enough of it can you.


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