Payback? - A Burrows & Badgers AAR

It might have taken six years since buying my first figures to have finally played a game, but here's another one a week later!  


Following on from the last engagement the two warbands, Werdna Thunderfoot's Royalists and Mellifluous Malachi's Wildbeasts once again cross swords (amongst other weapons).

The Royalists.  L-R; 
Nainama the Sparrow; Beriys the Adder Mage; 
Lutralus River Blade the Otter (Second)
Werdna Thunderfoot the Hare (Leader)
Briar Far-sting the Rabbit Archer; Apodemus the Mouse Ranger 
The Wildbeasts.  L-R
McGranite the Ferret (Second)
Salien the Toad Mage; Mellifluous Malachi the Fox (Leader)
Putor the Ferret; Shakey Bart the Weasel
Bitter Sydney the Shrew

This game used scenario 2 from the rule book - Ambush the Camp.  The Royalists' Secondary Objectives was Defend, the Wildbeasts' Secondary Objectives was Isolate. 

The Royalists (R) are the defenders, so the Wildbeasts (W) go first and get 3 moves before the Royalists activate as per the scenario rules.  Additionally, until they reach the Equipment Pile, the defenders operate at a -1 for all Roll-offs.

Turn One

Mellifluous Malachi the Fox (W) moves and Fires straightaway at Lutralus River Blade the Otter (R), but a combination of his armour and a low dice roll means that he’s only nicked  for a point of damage.  Putor the Ferret (W) moves and throws a knife at Lutralus;  he rolls a perfect and the Otter takes a further 5 points of damage.  The Wildbeasts clearly remember how deadly Lutralus had been in the first encounter.   Salien the Wildbeast Toad Mage moves forward and successfully casts the Tangleweed spell on Werdna.  The Hare is now hampered for movement.  That’s the end of the 3 free actions that the attackers get for this scenario.  

The Royalists now have the chance to reply.  After taking a battering Lutralus retreats away from the attackers and reaches the Equipment Pile.  He’ll no longer roll-off at -1.  McGranite the Ferret (W)  moves and hides.  Even though he is under the effect of Tangleweed Werdna manages to just reach the Equipment Pile.  Shakey Bart (W) moves up but can’t get Line of Sight on any Royalists.  In an attempt to stem the assault, Beriys the Adder Mage (R) casts Lightning spending a Fate point for an extra die.  He rolls a success.  As Beriys has Elf Bolts Putor takes 7 wounds.  That’s payback for what he did to Lutralus.  Bitter Sydney the last of the Wildbeasts to move sprints towards the camp.  Briar Far-sting (R) fires her bow at Putor; she has the Fast Shot skill giving her 2 shots, he dodges the first shot and incredibly he dodges the second too.  For the final moves of Turn One the Royalists Apodemus the Mouse Ranger and the new recruit Nainama the Sparrow rally to the Equipment Pile.   

Turn Two – The Wildbeasts win the Initiative roll off so keep the Initiative for this turn. 

Putor the Ferret (W) charges the Adder, who takes 3 wounds.  Beriys bites back but misses.  McGranite (W) charges in to support his Ferret kin,  his furious charge) with the zweihander causes another 6 wounds to the snake.  Ssssssucking hell the Adder sssssplutters!  Having recovered his trusty zweihander from the Equipment Pile,  Lutralus (R) steams into the fray, inflicting a punishing 10 damage to the Ferret.  Salien the Toad Mage (W) moves forward and successfully casts Tangleweed on Nainama the Sparrow.  Apodemus the Mouse Ranger fires at Salien, the Toad's tough warty skin keeps the damage down to 1 point, but it’s an important wound as the Tangleweed spells he cast now dissipate.  Bitter Sydney (W) moves round the side of one of the shacks.  Free from the enchantment of Tangleweed, Werdna (R) charges the Toad mage and causes 2 wounds.  Malachi the Wildbeast leader moves up and fires at his counterpart Werdna.  Gadzooks he’s nearer to hitting the Toad, but luckily misses.  Briar Far-sting (R) fires at Putor but disaster strikes: not only does she hits Beriys instead it’s a perfect roll adding 7 to 6+2 (not moving) v 1=14.  That takes the Adder mage Out of Action (OOA).  Shakey Bart the Weasel (W) moves up and hides round the back of the other shack.  Nainama the Sparrow attacks Salien the Toad and it's another wound on the warty warrior.  End of Turn.  

Turn Three – The Royalists win the Initiative roll off.   

Werdna presses his attack on Salien.  Using a fate point he hits for 5 more wounds to Salien.  Salien casts Bear’s Strength on himself.  Briar Far-sting again fires at Putor, using her skill she looses two arrows hitting for a total of 9 wounds to Putor.  That takes him up to 16 wounds and he’s OOA.  It’s the clash of the Zweihanders now.  McGranite attacks Lutralus but his wounds must be affecting him as he msses, Lutralus replies but also misses.  Shakey Bart slides round the side of the shack and fires his crossbow at Briar.  He uses a Fate Point and one of the two rolls is a perfect 6.  Briar stumbles as the bolt hits her in the back for 9 wounds.  Apodemus fires his bow at Shakey Bart but misses.  Malachi fires at Nainama the Sparrow who avoids the shot.  The Sparrow swoops on Salien rolling a perfect 6, the damage is too much and he keels over OOA - has the Toad croaked?  End of Turn. 

Turn Four – The Royalists win the Initiative roll off again.   

In the battle of the zweihanders, Lutralus swipes at McGranite adding a Fate Point, his roll is good and with his combined natural strength and the strength of the weapon he inflicts 10 wounds.  The Ferret collapses and is OOA.  Shakey Bart fires at Briar who easily dodges rolling a 6,  she returns the compliment missing with her first shot but scoring a perfect 6 with the second and the Weasel crossbow wielder takes 7 wounds.    Malachi shoots at Werdna, hitting the Hare for 3 wounds.  Somewhat miffed Wedna charges Malachi and him for 9 wounds -  Ouch!  Bitter Sydney the Shrew charges Apodemus but the Mouse only takes 1 wound.  Apodemus’s attack is blocked by the Shrew.  The Sparrow flies to support Werdna against Malachi but his attack is blocked.

That’s 50% of the Wildbeasts OOA.  A rout roll off is needed.  Werdna’s Presence d8 v Malachi’s Fortitude of d6 the Wildbeasts ROUT.  The Royalists win the day again.


Royalists - Werdna Thunderfoot the Hare =3; Lutralus River Blade the Otter =6;  Briar Far-sting the Rabbit Archer =9;  Apodemus the Mouse Ranger =1;  Beriys the Adder Mage =16 (OOA);  Nainama the Sparrow =0

Wildbeasts - Mellifluous Malachi the Fox =9;  McGranite the Ferret =16 (OOA);  Putor the Ferret =16 (OOA);  Salien the Toad Mage=16 (OOA);  Shakey Bart the Weasel =7;  Bitter Sydney the Shrew =0

Another great game.  The Royalists seem to have the licking of the Wildbeasts.  Perhaps the extra advances they got in the Post Game Phase after game one has made the gap between the two warbands too great?  I'll have to see what the next Post Game Phase rolls up.  Maybe it's time for a new warband to take on Werdna?


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