June 2023 Hobby update

June has been a busy month.  I've been adding to existing projects and getting to a point where they are considered finished, i.e. I have enough forces for both sides to play the games I currently want to play. I've also started on a new project which has got me excited.  It's another long update!


The only thing I had on the go when May ended was some plastic zombies.  I finished these off early in June and they can be seen in their gruesomeness here

Keeping with 20mm and the whole Zona Alfa/neo-Soviet vibe I completed some Elhiem modern Russians and a religious leader.  Lovely figures of which you can see more of here.

Following fast on the heels of those fellas I completed some support for the Legion in Algeria, in the form of a .30 cal machine gun team and an 81mm mortar team.  More of these grognards here.

The last of the completed bits was for my new project the South African Border Wars.  I ordered and completed a selection of vehicles and I'm very pleased how they've come up.  You can read about the start of this project here and see more of the vehicles here.  

In progress

As we end the month and while I work out the forces I need for the South African Border Wars project I've got a few bits to tide me over:

  • 1/300th South African infantry from Scotia Grendel.  There's a few miscasts with these and mostly the same pose so I'll give these a quick paint job and see what else I can mix in with them.
  • From the sublimely simple and quick to the ridiculously involved and time consuming.  I thought I'd turn my attention to my oldest outstanding figures and started on the 15mm Grumpy's Landsknechts I got at the end of last year.   This batch are arquebusiers and musicians.  Having started them I know now why I sold off my Italian Wars figures the other year, although these are for the later half of the 16th Century they're still going to test my will to do.  
  • I also started on a Native American Mound Builder Shaman which came in the same order as the Landsknechts.  I currently have no use for this but liked the look of him and he's been nice to paint. 

South African infantry, Landsknechts, Shaman (top to bottom)


I managed to get one game in during June.  I utilised some of the items I've finished over the last months and had a very enjoyable game of Ambush Alley set in Algeria.  You can read the AAR here

Research & Reading:

I've read a fair bit this month.  My commuting buddy has been on holiday so I used the extra time to get more reading in.  

First off I finished reading "Roadside Picnic".  As I mentioned last month this was a big influence on Patrick Todoroff who wrote the "Zona Alfa" rules.  Funny little book really, not what you'd call action-packed which surprised me.  The whole feel of the 'zone' and the characters are well done so well worth a read. 

Next I read "Battle on the Lomba '87".  I hinted at a new project last month and it's full steam ahead now.    This is an account from a Ratel 90 IFV commander and his time in the South African Defence Force.  It takes you from joining up, training and finishing with his unit's actions in what came to be called The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.  It's a good read, Helion of course!

Last of all I read "Two for Texas" by James Lee Burke.  I've read the majority of his works starting on the Dave Robicheaux detective novels, but I have to say I much prefer the historical ones like this.  It's set in the period around the Alamo 1836, which is my preferred era for Old West gaming.  Predictably this has got me thinking about getting the collection out for a game.   


I've been focused this month with the majority of my spending going on the new project.
  • As mentioned above I ordered a load of 1/300th modern AFVs from Scotia Grendel for the South African Border Wars project.  Really nice little models and excellent service from Scotia Grendel.  I'll be buying more of these.  Also in the order were a Chieftain, Scorpion and T-62, so I could continue my comparisons of micro-armour which I started here.  I'll do a follow up post on this when time permits.   
  • My only other purchase was the print edition of 'The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale" from Helion.  I was in the middle of reading  "Battle on the Lomba '87" when the offer for this came through so it was perfect timing.  It's packed with colour photos and a nice selection of plates and has been invaluable when painting the AFVs. 

Right at the end of the month I was looking on www.drivethrurpg.com trying to stop myself buying loads of Conan stuff and noticed Sword Weirdos was reduced.  Now I like Space Weirdos and had been meaning to get the new one.  Even at full price these rules are a bargain, but I couldn't resist it for £3.09.  It also comes with a sheet of tokens and a guide for solo play included in the bundle.  Great stuff.


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