Saving Capitaine Charbonnier - an Algerian War Ambush Alley AAR

Mission Brief

On a mission in the djebel a company from the 1er Régiment Etranger de Parachutistes (1er REP) have taken casualties, including their beloved commander Capitaine Charbonnier.  Having requested a helicopter medical evacuation a small unit of paras are trying to get the Capitaine to the landing zone.  Can they get the Capitaine to safety before the  Algerian Nationalist Armée de libération nationale (ALN) close in?

Table Set up

The game is played on a 3ft x 3ft game mat.  The area is hilly and undulating with rocky outcrops and scrubby vegetation which provide cover and potential ambush points.  There is one flatter area of ground which has been identified as a possible landing zone for the helicopter.  Six numbered hotspots have been placed on the table from which any insurgents will generate from.  Roll to see where the initial ALN forces will deploy.  

Starting positions

Game length

The length of the game is 10 turns.  The helicopter is due arrive on Turn 6.  However, a further die roll will be required at the start of Turn 6 to see if the helicopter is on time or delayed for one further turn.

The full scenario details with breakdown of the forces can be downloaded from here

Turn One 

As it's the first turn there are no Hotspot Reinforcement rolls.  French Foreign Legion (FFL) Team A (HQ and stretcher bearers carrying Capitaine Charbonnier) activate.  The ALN HQ and one of the ALN rifle teams fails to interrupt, but the second team wins the Reaction test and fires on the FFL.  They hit three times but the FFL defence dice are better so there is no effect.

FFL Team B now move and fire on the ALN.  After all the dice are thrown and compared they inflict one casualty on ALN Team B, who pass their Morale test.

FFL Team C (LMG) move forward to support the HQ.  

FFL Sniper Team at the DZ move forwards to the sound of the firing.

Turn Two

The Insurgency rolls generate 3 fighters with bolt action rifles (Team D) at Hotspot 1.  

FFL Team C (LMG) elect to fire on these new arrivals that have materialised on their flank.  The ALN Team D pass the interruption test, which is required for being without a leader, and then incredibly beat the FFL on the Reaction roll off.  They choose to interrupt with Fire but their shooting is ineffective.  The FFL now return fire and with the combination of LMG, SMG and being in optimum range it proves lethal killing all 3 of the ALN.  The paras now complete their movement.  

FFL Team B continue to fire on ALN Team B.  Their fire is equally impressive, and they annihilate ALN Team B.

FFL Team A (HQ) activate and move forwards.  ALN Team C beat them in the Reaction test and interrupt by Fire.  They hit the HQ once.  On rolling, it is one of the Medics carrying the captain that is WIA and removed from play.  They will now have to remain stationary the rest of this turn and the next to assess and recover.  In addition, they fail their Morale check with some terrible dice rolls and are Pinned for this turn. 

The FFL Sniper Team fire on the ALN Team C and inflict one casualty.  The ALN pass their Morale test. 

Turn Three

Insurgency roll is 5 so no reinforcements for the ALN this turn.

FFL Team C (LMG) stop their movement and decide to suppress the ALN across the table.  They inflict two more casualties on ALN Team C reducing it to one man, who passes his Morale test.  The survivor of ALN Team C fires at FFL Team B, but although hitting their defence is too good.  

FFL Fire Team B move to help their HQ unit.  The ALN leader fails to interrupt.  

FFL Team A (HQ) are forced to remain stationary this turn to readjust due to losing one of the stretcher bearers in Turn 2. 

The FFL Sniper Team go on Overwatch this turn.

Turn Four

The Insurgency rolls result in 5 ALN fighters with bolt action rifles led by an SMG armed fighter deploying at Hotspot 5.  

FFL Team B’s activation is taken up by allocating one man to replace the stretcher bearer lost in Turn 2.  

FFL Team C split their fire on the ALN HQ and the survivor of ALN Team C.  Both the ALN units fail to Interrupt.  They score two hits and kill the last two ALN that were on the table when the game began.  They complete their activation by moving forward to secure the LZ. 

The FFL win the Reaction test against the newly deployed ALN at Hotspot 5 and kill one of them.  Their Morale holds and they return fire with interest!  One Sniper is instantly KIA the other is WIA and also removed from the table.  This could prove costly as that side of the LZ is now open.

Turn Five

The Insurgency roll deploys 6 ALN fighters with bolt action rifles led by an SMG armed fighter at Hotspot 1. 

FFL Team C decide to fire on the new enemy troops.  They win the Reaction test so get to complete their intention and the ALN take a casualty.  They pass their Morale test and fire back, but the FFL defence is good and it’s ineffective.

The FFL HQ move forwards towards the LZ as does FFL Team B. 

The FFL AA52 Team open up on the ALN at Hotspot 1 and kill another.  The ALN roll more successes than failures so their Morale holds. 

The ALN Team at Hotspot 5 can now activate.  They decide to fire at the nearest FFL unit which is FireTeam B.  They hit once but the FFL shrug it off in that Gallic way!

Turn Six

This is the turn the helicopter is due to arrive.  Is it on time?  An even roll on a d6 says it is.  It’s odd and that means it won’t arrive until turn 7.

The Insurgency roll puts 2 more ALN fighters with bolt action rifles on the table at Hotspot 2.

The FFL AA52 Team elect to fire at the ALN at Hotspot 1 but the ALN win the Reaction test and fire first.  The FFL defence dice are better than the ALN attack dice and it therefore has no effect.  They return fire, the ALN can’t match 2 of the dice and 2 more of them fall.

FFL Team B decide to move forwards to secure the right flank of the LZ.  The ALN at Hotspot 5 try to Interrupt, but fail.  Their Defence dice can only match one of the 5 successes the Legionnaires roll and all but one of the ALN fall.  The survivor’s Morale test fails and his Morale is reduced a level to d6.

The HQ Team carrying Capitaine Charbonnier now move onto the LZ in the hope of rescue but where is the ‘copter?

The final move of the turn sees the ALN at Hotspot 2 React and fire on the AA52 Team.  They hit but the Defence dice are too good so it has no effect.  These paras know how to hug the ground!

Turn Seven

There is a rumbling noise and a French Armée de l'Air H-34 can be seen!

Thankfully for the French the Insurgency roll is a 6 so there will be no further ALN reinforcements this turn.

The Helicopter activates and complete it’s landing with the nearest ALN failing to React. 

The FFL HQ make their move carrying the Captain towards the ‘chopper. 

The FFL AA52 Team switch their fire to the nearest enemy at Hotspot 2 and manage to pick off one of them.  The remaining fighter’s Morale fails and is reduced to d6.

FFL Team C decides to fire on the only remaining ALN unit at Hotspot 1.  The ALN win the Reaction test and decide to fire on the ‘chopper.  They hit and using the Damage tables in the  Force on Force rules it causes Weapon Damage.   The FFL Team cause 2 casualties on the ALN, the remaining fellagha fails his Morale roll and his Morale value is reduced to d6.

FFL Team B fire on the lone fighter at Hotspot 5 and pick him off. 

Turn Eight

The Insurgency roll succeeds for the ALN this turn and 2 ALN fighters with bolt action rifles and one with a rifle grenade deploy at Hotspot 1.

With the Captain now loaded the helicopter attempts to take off.  Thankfully the recently deployed ALN at Hotspot 1 fail to Interrupt and it leaves the ground.

The FFL AA52 Team continue to fire to the nearest enemy at Hotspot 2 and eliminate the last ALN fighter.

FFL Fire Team C win the Reaction test against the ALN at Hotspot 1 and cause 3 casualties.  That leaves 1 ALN on the table.  His morale is already reduced to d6, he fails his Morale roll and is removed from play.  

With the Capitaine safely evacuated and no more enemies in play we can declare the Legion  triumphant. 


This was a really good game.  There were a number of moments where I thought it was going to go horribly wrong for the French.  When they lost a turn due to one of the stretcher bearers being killed and having to reorganise I thought they would miss the rendezvous.  However, the dice worked for them and the 'copter being delayed a turn actually helped out.  There was also a moment in Turn 8 when the ALN were reinforced with a rifle grenadier where I thought that the game could have been up, but the helicopter safely took off before the ALN could Interrupt.

As with previous games set in Algeria using Ambush Alley/Force on Force the quality and superior firepower of the French was telling.  Being principally armed with bolt action rifles the ALN lose a Firepower die.  Additionally they are rolling d6 or d8 so they don't always get an additional Firepower die for Optimum range.  The veteran FFL are rolling d10 and using self-loading rifles so fire at full strength.  Interestingly I had a similar experience when I played a platoon sized game with similar forces using Bolt Action(see here).

From what I have read about the conflict, this game and the others I have played have given a reasonably accurate impression of the fighting in the djebel.  By 1957/58 the French rapid deployment forces (paras, FFL) had been honed and were lethally prosecuting the war against the ALN.  Actions were often at close range with little quarter given on both sides.  Militarily the French won the war but they would ultimately lose politically.


  1. Great looking game,you nailed the terrrain

    1. Thanks very much. I'm always looking to add to my terrain so will do more for it in future.

  2. Brilliant stuff 👍😁

  3. Which rulebook?

    1. I used Ambush Alley, 2007 version with the helicopter rules and some other modifications like SMGs and bolt action rifles taken from Force on Force, the Osprey version from 2011. I know the Osprey version has been out of print for a few years. Versions may be available from Wargames Vault.

  4. Which rulebook?


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