French support teams for the Algerian War project

Over the last few weeks I've added some more French Foreign Legion paratroopers to the Algerian War project.  I took advantage of Elhiem’s pre-Salute sale to fill the gaps in my collection with some supporting troops.  With a couple of exceptions of figures that I didn’t want I think I have the whole range now.

First up is this medical party.  These figures add such a nice element of narrative that within days of finishing them off I had based a game around them (AAR here).  

I added some support in the form of this pair of snipers and a recoilless rifle gunner.

And finally the Legion got some heavier support in the form of a 81mm mortar team and a .30 cal medium machine gun team.

It may be something like 12 years ago since I painted the first batch of these, before the days where I kept notes.  I tried to match the colours as well as I could but they are a bit different.  I had real trouble trying to match the green of their berets, but when they’re in action on the table top you can’t see much difference.  The Legion para force is more or less complete now.  Well as complete as any project ever is.  


  1. Great work on those figures. Loved the medical party.

    1. Thanks as always Richard. I'm not too happy with my photos lately, I need to review what I'm doing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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