
It was during the first year of the pandemic that I started to build up a collection inspired by the Zona Alfa rules.  I've always liked the Post-Apocalyptic neo-Soviet look and these rules struck a chord with me.  So that I could use my existing terrain, I decided to do this project in 20mm using figures from the Elhiem Modern ranges.  Most of the figures are great but I've never been happy with the Zombies.  This year I found a seller on eBay knocking out sets of 12 individual figures split out from the Dark Alliance boxes.  It was worth a go so I ordered them.

There are 48 figures in a full box, 4 of each type.  I don't want any duplicates in my collection so even though it was more expensive per figure when compared to buying a full box, this worked well for me.  Generally I avoid soft plastic but persevered with these.  I did attempt to remove some of the flash and mould lines, but it was going to be a right bugger to do, so I left it on.  These are walking corpses what does it matter?  I soaked all the figures in washing up liquid and warm water and then when dry, I applied a watered down PVA mix.  I then primed them in Citadel Base Coat Black, stuck them on pennies like the rest of the collection and painted them as normal.  

Below you can see some lovely ladies.  Lots of character with the sculpts, I think I recognise some from the distant days of my youth😉

Next are the gents.  The sculptor was being very inclusive with these as we have some chunky zombies.  I particularly liked the guy in shirt and tie, his appearance and overall demeanour is like a lot of people I've had to work with over the years.  

Finally here are some little horrors.  Why is it that Zombie kids are creepiest of all?  

I liked these figures.  There's a lot of detail and character in the sculpts.  They're more slender than the metal Elhiem Zombies, but in my opinion a vast improvement.  Dark Alliance have a few more sets of interest so I'll have to keep my eyes peeled to see if I can pick up some more.  


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