2024 gaming Ovelist check point 3 - end of year update

The gaming Ovelist original plan is here, with check point 1 at the end of April here and the end of August check point 2 here.  The "doing" update is here.

The first part of the year had been a gaming failure.  I picked it up from May and this is what the gaming list looked like at the end of August:

And here's what it looks like as we end the year:

During the period from September through December I was very targeted in my gaming, ticking off the remaining squares and played the following:

  • Second Punic War.  Thanks to the release of Midgard I finally got some of my 10mm collection onto the tableThe AAR is here
  • Fantasy Skirmish.  I had a really enjoyable game of Sword Weirdos.  I think it's impossible not to enjoy the Weirdos.  The AAR is here.
  • 10mm Fantasy Battle.  I had my first game of Warmaster Revolution using the 10mm Ogre and Chaos Dwarfs armies I completed in 2023. The AAR is here

I also got in an additional game:
  • Verrotwood.  I played the fourth game in my Awakening Campaign, The Haunted Village (AAR here).  I'll pick this up again in the New Year as Verrotwood is a cracking system. 

After a really poor start to the gaming year, I've not done too badly.  I managed 13 games in total, 9 of which were using new rules for me.  I've achieved my target of 9 games set at the end of 2023.  The game of Bolt Action was the only game I didn't enjoy that much, but I'd started using Battlegroup by then so that may be a factor.  Roll on 2025 when I want to do much more gaming.  


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