2024 gaming Ovelist check point 2 - August

When I started this Ovelist business I'd separated out the gaming side from the "doing".  The original plan is here and check point 1 at the end of April is here with the "doing" update for check point 2 here.

As of April I'd not played any games and as I wrote in check point 1 this is mainly due to not having a dedicated playing space.  I therefore revised the gaming Ovelist, using genres or periods that I want to play rather than being too specific.  Here's what the revised gaming list looked like at this point:

I'm pleased to say that in this period there's been a big improvement:

I've played the following:

  • First Anglo-Sikh War.  I've got quite a nice 20mm collection for this period but I've never played a game.  I finally got round to playing a small game using Black Powder, which was also my first game with this rule set.  It worked well enough and I'll be aiming to play again using more of my collection. 
  • Late-Romans.  I didn't have a specific rule set in mind when I started this project so I used Warlords of Eherwon which worked very well.  (AAR)
  • Post Apoc Skirmish.  I dug out some of my Warmachine/Hordes figures and had a very enjoyable game of Space Weirdos (AAR).  
  • WW2 New rules/scope.  I've played two games of Battlegroup, one using the Barbarossa supplement using my 28mm Warlord/Bolt Action figures and one using the Tobruk supplement using some of my old metal Battlefront/Flames of War.  As I'm learning the game I didn't do any  reports.  I like most aspects of the game, some less so and I'm already thinking of changes.  I need to play more before I pass judgement on it.  
  • WW2 Partisan Warfare.  I played a game using Bolt Action and the Firefight squad supplement.  Not too much to say really - it's Bolt Action you know what it's about.

Overall I'm really pleased with the gaming I've managed to do in the last four months.  To have played nine games isn't too bad for me, I'm averaging one a month over the whole year now albeit it’s all been squeezed into the last four months.  

For the last period of the year I’ll be leaving the gaming Ovelist as is.  I'm going to conclude the Verrotwood campaign.  I'll also look at the outstanding boxes and see if I can get any of these ticked off.  Otherwise I'd like to revisit the new games I've been learning such as Battlegroup and Black Powder and get a bit more familiar with those.  


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