2024 doing Ovelist check point 2 - August

As we're now at the end of August it's time for me to do my Ovelist check point 2.  The original plan is here and check point 1 at the end of April is here.  The gaming update is here.  

As is my wont I've confused matters.  In  April I decided I wasn't going to do the Sci-Fi 28mm project and replaced it with Second World War Eastern Front.  Very shortly after I changed my mind and did the Sci-Fi figures.  Therefore, to incorporate all this mucking about I've now got a 3x4 Ovelist rather than the 3x3 I started with.  I have added an Odds & Sods box for those bits and pieces that aren’t part of a project and a New Projects box as you never know when the muse will strike.  This is what I'm sticking with for the rest of 2024 (for the moment anyway).

The size of the tick shows how complete a project is.  In the case of the very large ticks that project is considered complete - I've finished all the figures I had for these and don't intend getting anymore for the rest of this year at least. That’s Late-Romans, Verrotwood, WW2 Partisan Warfare and Sci-Fi. 

Between May and end of August I've made varying degrees of progress on four of the other projects:

  • Imperial Rome - I've painted 87 figures although they are yet to be based so aren't finished.
  • WW2 Mediterranean - I've started painting 3 German afvs which won't take long to finish.
  • WW2 Eastern Front - Similarly I've got 2 German afvs nearly done. 
  • Terrain - I've made some swampy pools which can be used for multiple scales.  I’ve also painted some 15mm scale stone walls ready for basing. 

I've not done anything on any of the others, with the tick for the Dark Ages being from work done in period one.  

Here's the numbers for the year:

  • 28mm - 128 start of year.  52 completed, 8 sold and 5 bought in period 1.  35 completed, 7 sold and 0 bought in period 2.  Total: 87 complete, 15 sold.  Balance - 31 to do.
  • 20mm - 10 start of year.  9 completed and 25 bought in period 1.  0 completed or bought in period 2.  Total: 9 complete.  Balance - 26 to do.  
  • 15mm - 171 start of year.  0 completed and 0 bought in either period.  Balance - 171 to do.
I'm very pleased with myself for my restraint in figure buying.  There's so many lovely ranges out there but I'm sticking to my guns.  When I do buy more I'll be in the position to start on them straightaway as there won't be much of a backlog of existing stuff.

As a side note this is my second attempt at doing this.  I'd spent quite some time writing a version that had commentary on each project.  However, not long after I had finished I checked my phone and the whole fcking post was blank.  Not having the will to redo it I settled for this abbreviated version.  

However, it's done you dear reader a favour.  I realise now that the first version was in such excruciating detail that it would have even drained my hero, Colin Robinson from What We Do in the Shadows.  There you go, positive from negative.  


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