June 2023 Hobby update

June has been a busy month. I've been adding to existing projects and getting to a point where they are considered finished, i.e. I have enough forces for both sides to play the games I currently want to play. I've also started on a new project which has got me excited. It's another long update! Completed The only thing I had on the go when May ended was some plastic zombies. I finished these off early in June and they can be seen in their gruesomeness here . Keeping with 20mm and the whole Zona Alfa/neo-Soviet vibe I completed some Elhiem modern Russians and a religious leader. Lovely figures of which you can see more of here . Following fast on the heels of those fellas I completed some support for the Legion in Algeria, in the form of a .30 cal machine gun team and an 81mm mortar team. More of these grognards here . The last of the completed bits was for my new project the South African Border Wars. I ordered and completed a selection of vehi...