Blimey we're already into March where did that time go? I've found the last week a genuine pain. The detailed nature of the work I do, combined with the hobby and reading demands has meant that I've had some sight issues over the last couple of weeks. I haven't been able to spend that much time on the hobby, but I have managed to get some bits done.
- Completed the base for the Battlezone Miniatures WW2 US Army MG team who'll be used as French troops in Algeria shown here.
- Painted up seven Battlezone US Marines all with head swaps. I just need to complete the basing on these.
- Painted up five Battlezone WW2 Red Army riflemen. These also just need the bases to be completed.
- Started to redo the bases for my Elhiem French Paras for Algeria. This is the last of the existing figures that I've redone for the Algeria project.
Base reworking in progress with Dulux |
- Nearly at the end of A Savage War of Peace. I was wondering why it was taken me so long to finish as it's a great read. My visit to the optician has helped to explain this and steps are in place so soon I should be enjoying my reading again.
- I've not had the inclination to look into anything much this week.
- Nowt! I'm waiting on my order from Newline Designs with Sikh Wars reinforcements and I'm quite content to finish off other bits until then.
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