A few French for Algeria

While my main focus has been preparing an ALN force, I have managed to do a few French figures over the last couple of weeks.

First up is a Battlefield Miniatures WW2 Free French SAS figure repurposed as a French Air Commando for Algeria.  I bought this pack back 2006 but hadn't painted this figure, I think because I was looking for fighting poses.  He's actually a nice little sculpt.  I've painted him as wearing the earlier green M47 tenue de saut uniform and the distinctive black beret.  Such a shame that Battlefield Miniatures are no longer going even if they did reduce their offering over the years.  They did some really different and well researched figures.  

Next is a Battlezone Miniatures (ex Sgt, Major Miniatures) USMC figure to be used as a French infantry NCO or officer in Algeria.  I think this is a lovely sculpt.  I used the rest of this pack as ALN and swapped the heads, but this pose meant I couldn't do that.  He works brilliantly for what I want. 

Last is my favourite - a Battlezone Miniatures late war US Army. 30 Browning MMG team.  The MG itself is from the US Airborne pack as the one in the US Army pack disintegrated when I tried to clean it up.  Luckily I'd been sent the Airborne pack in error so I had a spare freebie.  


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