2024 "doing" Ovelist check point 3 - end of year update

It's the end of the year and time for the third and final Ovelist "doing" check point.  The original plan is here, check point 1 at the end of April is here, and August's check point 2 is here  The latest gaming update is here.  

This was how the list looked at the end of August:

And here's the end of year position:

As usual the size of the tick shows how complete a project is.  In the case of the very large ticks that project is complete with no figures left to do.  That’s Imperial Rome, Late-Romans, Verrotwood, WW2 Partisan Warfare and Sci-Fi.  The only failure was that I didn't do anything on the South African Border Wars project.  

Between the end of August and the end of December I did the following:

  • Imperial Rome - I've completed all 175 Roman and Ancient Germans for this project.  I also made unit bases for them all for Midgard.  This is the project that I'm most pleased with.  I didn't start these until the end of March and if it wasn't for my indecision on how to base them I'd have completed the majority within a year of buying them.  They've turned out really well.  
  • Late-Romans - Although I had already completed all the planned figures for this project by August, I knocked up another couple from some Dark Age Archers.  Bonus! 😀
  • Dark Ages/Norse Age - I completed 5 Norse warriors and 2 Rus warriors to add to this ongoing project.  
  • Verrotwood - I built another Cultist to add to The Uncoiling cult. 
  • WW2 Mediterranean - I've completed 3 German afvs in this period, with one left to do for 2025.
  • WW2 Eastern Front - I've completed the 2 German Pz IVs that I'd started in the summer.   
  • Terrain - I made some grassy patches for smaller scale games and a 12" square board for photography although it may get used for tiny games of Sword Weirdos.
  • Odds & Sods - I completed another Burrows & Badgers miniature.
  • New Projects - I didn't start any new projects but I have been researching a few.  More to come on this in 2025. 

Here's the numbers for the year:

  • 28mm - 128 start of year.  Period 1 - 52 completed, 8 sold and 5 bought.  Period 2 - 35 completed, 7 sold and 0 bought.  Period 3 - 11 completed, 0 sold and 23 bought.  Total: 98 complete, 15 sold, 28 bought.  End of year position - 43 to do.  I'm pleased with this as getting the 28mm backlog down was a key objective.  I don't have any 28mm figures that are older than September 2023 in the pile whereas before this year I had miniatures that I'd bought back in 2022.  If something hasn't been done within 18 months then I start to question whether I still want it.  
  • 20mm - 10 start of year.  Period 1 - 9 completed and 25 bought.  Period 2 - 0 completed or bought.  Period 3 - 0 completed or bought.  Total: 9 complete, 0 sold, 25 bought  End of year position - 26 to do.  
  • 15mm - 175 start of year.  0 completed and 0 bought in periods 1 and 2.  Period 3 - 175  completed, 0 sold or bought.  End of year position - 0 to do.  
  • 6mm - 0 start of year.  Period 3 - 44 bought, 0 completed or sold.  End of year position - 44 to do.  Quite a few of the 6mm were bought as samples so I'm not sure whether these will actually be carried forward to do.
2024 has been a really successful hobby year.  I've completed two of the main projects that I wanted to and chugged along with the others.  I think the Ovelist approach has helped to keep on track and I'll be doing it again in 2025. 


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