May 2024 hobby update

Bloody hell where is this year going? It's a sign of getting old isn't it, the months whizzing by? I started the month feeling like death (there's an irony here when you look at one of my rule purchases) and it turned out I'd got a dose of Covid. Strangely although I had no energy for things like exercise, after the initial couple of days I found I could paint and I used the extra time not doing other things to press on and get stuff done. It's been a milestone month in that I have now finished over 50% of the 28mm figures I started the year with which is great for morale. I'm also back in the swing of posting more regularly with five posts added to the blog this month. Completed I completed all the 28mm minis that were in progress as we ended April: Two more late-Roman spearmen and staff slinger and archer leaders (more here ). Finishing these enabled me to get this collection onto the table for it's inaugural battle (see below)....