More 28mm Victrix late-Romans

As I assembled the forces for my first game using the late-Roman and Germanics that I've been working on for the last few months, I realised I needed a few more figures to make up the units.  I needed an extra pedes for each infantry unit and a leader for the missile troops.  I didn't have any more specific late-Romans left so I rooted through my other Victrix sprues.

The bodies for the two spearmen came from a sprue I had from the Victrix Ancient Germans set.  Belt details aside, there's very little difference between the clothing across much of the ranges.  The hands holding the spear come from the Unarmoured Late-Romans set as do the heads.  I've got so many spare heads from that one pack I could outfit whole legions!  The shields are also from that set finished with Little Big Man transfers.

I'm using Warlords of Erehwon to play with and each unit is usually a minimum of four strong with a leader figure.  I had four staff slingers and four archers but no leaders.  But I did have one sprue left  from the Victrix Dark Age Archers set.  Selecting two of these bodies I went through the spares and took the left arms for each from the Late-Romans Archer sprue, with the Unarmoured Late-Romans set providing the right arm with the axes in each case.  The slinger's bag was from the Dark Age Archers set, the archer's quiver from the Late-Romans Archers. 

All in all I'm very pleased with how they're come out.  As it happened the slinger didn't get to lead his men in the inaugural battle (AAR here), but they'll be in action in my next game.  The Victrix sets are so interchangeable that they make this sort of easy kit bash nice and straightforward. 


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