Verrotwood - The Uncoiling of Beiysss

I recently finished off my second cult for Verrotwood - they are The Uncoiling of Beiysss.

These were very simple kit bashes.  The bodies all came from the Frostgrave Male Wizards from NorthStar.  I'd got a frame of these free when I pre-ordered a certain weird First World War rule set last year.  The arms are all from the Frostgrave Cultists set that I had lying about from years ago, when I'd made a group of Old West cultists using arms from Great Escape Cowboys. The spear wielder has Wizards arms with Cultists hands and spear grafted on.

The Uncoiling are the faithful who worship the Great Serpent Beiysss.  They believe that by following this entity they will gain power over the other Cults and be embraced into his coils in eternal life.

The cult favour edged weapons dripping with serpent poison.  They prefer to close with their enemies but concede that they need some ranged capability hence the crossbow equipped cultist.

As with the Wisentii I used large 30mm bases to have a bit more space to make them more scenic.  They match quite well with the other Cult.  This time I used some dried mixed herbs to try and represent Autumnal leaf litter.  Previously I used crumbled, dried bay leaves that I'd painted different colours.  


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