Verrotwood - Wisentii cult

I recently finished off my first cult for Verotwood - they are the Wisentii.

I used the Frostgrave Barbarians from Northstar to make them, two from the male and two from the female set.  The Sprue Shop were doing a deal of a frame of each at a slightly reduced price and that met my needs very well.  They're built entirely from those sprues.  I didn't do any kit bashing using parts from other kits, as I could complete my concept for the cult from just the Barbarian sprues.

The Wisentii are a cult devoted to the ancient forest bison.  In the times before the tolling of the bells and the shadow falling across the Verrotwood, the bison were a mainstay of their lives providing everything they needed, in the manner of Native American Plains Indians.

Even though the bison are gone, the Wisentii still revere the mighty beasts.  Each member takes on an aspect of the bison.  The Heart is the leader of the cult.  The Hooves are the muscle to trample the enemy, overwhelming them using brutal two handed weapons.  The Horns are close combat experts using single handed punch daggers in unison.  The Breath is the archer striking at the enemy from a distance.

I was very pleased with myself for thinking all this up.  Then it dawned on me I'd possibly appropriated this from somewhere else.  Sure enough in checking my well thumbed RuneQuest Cults of Prax book and reading the Storm Bull chapter there was my inspiration!  I loved RuneQuest so it's no surprise that my subconscious is full of Gloranthan lore.  This is my tribute to those happy days. 

I used larger 30mm bases as I wanted space to make them more scenic.  I tried to create an Autumnal feel.  After applying my usual sand mix which I drybrushed in different shades, I added Autumn static grass and some small pieces of lichen.  To try and get a leaf litter look I used crumbled, dried bayleaves that I'd painted different colours.  The pieces of tree are pieces of tree strangely enough.  


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