Verrotwood creatures

It's been four months since I last worked on my Verrotwood project, but I've made up for it lately.  This month I've built another cult (here) and knocked out a trio of creatures. 

The Greater Reanimated (undead) was a  simple kit bash.  The body is an Oathmark Elf with the arms and head from a Frostgrave Cultists sprue (the bits from my one sprue have gone a long way)!  

The Madman was even simpler.  He's a Mantic Games Ghoul, with a Victrix Viking head.  I've had a couple of these ghouls lying about for over 12 years so it was good to use one.  The Victrix head is beautifully sculpted/rendered and with the massive beard works very well for a forest dwelling nutter.  

The final figure is Baba Yaga, a 3d printed miniature from Clay Cyanide I got off eBay the other year.  It's a superbly detailed miniature but I went very minimalist with the painting.  I wanted to use this figure as a ghost or apparition, so I just painted her Citadel Wraithbone white, drybrushed with Vallejo Model Colour white and then washed with a Vallejo Model Game Wash light grey.  I'm happy how it worked and much better than the greeny ghost I did last year.  She looks suitability ethereal. 

The base was a different matter and I painted this up fully.  There's lots of little details to pick out and it's enjoyable to paint.  I'll also be using the base on it's own to represent specific types of terrain like a haunted area.

I tried to finish the bases in a similar vein to the other two cults.  I start by adding a mix of sand which is painted and drybrushed, then different lengths of autumnal static grass, tiny bits of lichen, then mixed herbs and finally some tufts.  This time I even channelled Ste Ross (On Point HQ and The Plastic Crack Podcast) by splattering some  Vallejo mud up the Madman and Reanimated's legs.  I held on the tufts for the moment though.  All good fun.


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