January 2023 hobby update

I've decided to switch to monthly rather than the weekly updates which I did for all of 2022.  I'll still be posting when I complete something, but time is very precious at the moment so this works much better for me.  


This month I've completed the following:  

  • A regiment of 10mm Ogre Ironguts for my Ogre Kingdoms Warmaster Revolution army which you can see here.  

  • Six 28mm Norse warriors for my Ragnarok project.  You can see more of them here.
  • I prepared a load of 2ps to use for bases for 28mm plastics.  This involved giving the edges a good thick coat of Humbrol Khaki enamel, followed by a couple of coats of Vallejo German Camouflage Black Brown, then varnished in Humbrol Gloss and finally a coat of  Vallejo Satin varnish to tone the gloss shine down.  

In progress

The following are on the table as January ends:
  • A regiment of 36 10mm Hobgoblins for my Chaos Dwarf Warmaster Revolution army.  These are very nearly done, just some details left to complete.
  • A regiment of 9 10mm Ogre Leadbelchers.  These are also well on the way and will be completed in February. 

Research & Reading

It's been all Roman for my reading this month:
  • I read Brigantia, the third and final book of Adrian Goldsworthy's Vindolanda trilogy.  I found it as enjoyable as the previous novels and a worthy ending to the series. 
  • I then read Osprey Roman Legionary 284 to 337.  This is one of the Warrior series.  I found this a really disjointed read, with lots of references breaking up the flow of the text.  Surely these would have been done better as footnotes?   The colour plates are nice though!  
  • My final Roman read was The Day of the Barbarians by Alessandro Barbero about the battle of Adrianople 378.  This was an easy read, not academic in style at all.  It had some good background, if the section on the battle itself seemed somewhat underwhelming.
  • I've been looking through my vast collection of PDF rules.  I have far too many with the reality being that I'll never get round to playing most.  It's just as well that I don't have them all as hard copies as I'd need another room to store them in!
  • Leading on from the above I've been looking at what's available for Sci-Fi gaming.  This is the only main genre that I don't currently collect.  As I've been looking at this it's reminded me of all the great games of Laserburn, Spacefarers and Steve Jackson's Ogre that I played in my early teenage years.  I still have my copy of Spacefarers from 1981.  When going through my PDF rules I found a copy of the original Laserburn.  Blimey all those charts and modifiers look so complex compared to how rules are today.
  • Following on from looking at Sci-Fi I've discovered One Page rules, which has led me to add even more PDFs to my collection!  I'm mulling over whether to use them with my Warmachine figures while Mk4 gets properly tested.  A downside of this of course is that I've been looking at all those superb 3d printed figures you can get from Only Games.


  • No purchases this month.  There's been plenty of sales and offers but I've managed to resist.  By and large I'm keeping to the plan.


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