10mm Ogre Ironguts

My first completed unit for 2023 is a regiment of Ogre Ironguts for my 10mm Warmaster Revolution Ogre Kingdoms army. 

These chubby brutes were the first 10mm 3D printed figures that I bought.  The sculpts are by Teremki Studios and I bought them from MGS Miniatures.  I was so pleased with them I promptly ordered two full armies - these and a Chaos Dwarf one.  

I'd learnt a lot when doing the Ogre Bull regiments so managed to turn the Ironguts around much more quickly and less painfully.  As with all the Ogres, they'd been printed three to a base, but this time I clipped them into singles BEFORE painting them which helped save a lot of swearing and grief!   

The printed bases are too thin for handling during gaming so I stick them on Warbases 2mm 20x40mm MDF bases anyway.   I added a layer of Milliput to build up the levels, then a layer of Vallejo texture, paint with Dulux emulsion that I had made to match Citadel Dheneb Stone, added some flock, static grass and the odd tufts.

You may notice an additional base over the three bases that is standard for a Warmaster unit.  This is down to the seller sending an extra base through.  I did think of basing these extra three as singles, but forgot and only remembered once I'd based the lot!  I don't have too many Ogres to do now which is a bit of a shame as I like then a lot.  


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