28mm Norse warriors

As I was working on the 10mm Ogre Ironguts I was also painting up six Victrix figures to use as Norse warriors for my Ragnarok project. The majority of the parts came from the Victrix Dark Age Archers set, but I added in some spares from a Viking sprue to make the spearman and axeman. I did some cutting and replacing of hands to make these work and that's one of the great advantages of plastic figures. I also used a head from a Viking sprue and another one from a Viking Command sprue for two of the figures. When I assembled these I very methodically took notes of what parts I used for each figure. The aim is to stick this all on a spreadsheet and it'll help organise me as I build more. I don't mind if you call me OCD. The Victrix sets give such a fantastic number of parts that they're very good value. The quality of course is second to none. A few of them can also do double duty as Germanics for the Late-Roman project that I'll be st...