The hobby week 04 June to 10 June

A bit of a funny week.  With the double bank holiday I thought I'd get a lot done but after a good start with a game of Bolt Action and working on the Mediterranean buildings it tailed off somewhat. 


  • I played a game of Bolt Action, set in Italy 1944.  Read the AAR here.  


  • The rest of my hobby time has been spent working on the Mediterranean buildings.  You can read about this here and here

Research & Reading

  • I've started reading "Jungle of Snakes: A Century of Counterinsurgency Warfare from the Philippines to Iraq".  I picked this up in March for £5.59, £2.80 of which was the P & P.  I bought it for the section on The Algerian War but the entire book looks fascinating.  I was hooked just reading the Introduction and I'm now onto The Philippine Insurrection.


  • I've started June in the same frame of mind as May.  I'm fast becoming the wargames equivalent of Norbert Colon the Viz character known for being "tight as a gnat's chuff".


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