Mediterranean MDF buildings revamp pt1 - Background

As I mentioned in the weekly update for 28 May to 03 June I've made a start on the Spanish/Italian MDF buildings from Empires at War.  

I  bought the first set in 2017 intending to use them for the Italian Campaign in WW2.  I didn't get round to making them until 2019, and when I finally did I enjoyed it so bought the second set and made them soon after.  Empires at War offer sandstone or unpainted versions, I went for the sandstone to save some work.  Overall they went together well and they make nice little buildings.  I didn't do anything with them and they went into a box file waiting to be used.

I always intended to make some bases for them, but it's only since I've rekindled my interest in the Italian Campaign that I got them out and had a good look.  Although these were bought as a finished option, there's still work that needs doing before I'd put them on the table.  

First thought was to add a very light skim of filler to add some texture across the buildings, but the finish was quite good and I didn't want to make things even more complicated.  I have 12 or so to do and one of the reasons I'd put it off before was because I'd found the thought of it daunting.  A balance was required of what would enhance the look without taking me weeks to do.

The photo below shows the two main issues:

  1. The unsightly areas of dark/burnt MDF particularly the corner joints of the buildings.
  2. The very plasticky and glossy look of the roofs. 
If I could improve at least these parts of each building it'd go a long way towards  improving the overall look and finally  getting them onto the gaming table.  


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