The hobby week 28 May to 03 June

I've been fully focused on my WW2 Italian Campaign project this week.


  • I finished the bases makeover of the Allied part of my Italian Campaign collection which you can see here.
  • I based my poplar trees.  These were the last trees that needed basing from the job lot I bought many years ago and based last year (see The Great Tree Project posts).  I used the same basic methods described in these posts, but with the colour palette I'd used for the Italian Campaign figure bases,  Algerian War figures and Mediterranean hills and scatter that I've been working on in 2022. 
  • I've started improving my collection of 15mm Spanish buildings, which I'm using as generic Mediterranean buildings.  These are all Empires at War MDF that I built a few years ago.  Nice buildings overall, but there's always improvements you can make on MDF kits and that's what I'm going to be working on.  These will be my focus for a couple of week at least now.  

Research & Reading

  • I've finished Peter Caddick-Adams' Monte Cassino: 10 Armies in Hell.  It was a very good read but I thought some sections didn't flow too well, maybe it's just me?  I did like how he quite rightly emphasised the decisive impact the French Colonial forces had on the battle and how important they were to the Allied effort.  Many accounts barely mention this including many French ones!  The characters of the commanders on both sides was fascinating to read.


  • And once again no purchases.  I'm building up quite a nice war chest for when I'm ready for another project or making additions to existing ones.


  1. Looks like a busy week. I like your buildings.

  2. Thanks Richard. My Hopefully the buildings will look even better in a couple of weeks.


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