Bolt Action - Italy '44 in 15mm

After completing some Mediterranean themed terrain pieces and redoing my figure bases it was only natural to set them all out and have a game. 

I didn't worry too much about points, just using the majority of the French CEF Goumiers and German Gebirgsjäger (GJ) figures that I had.  This worked out to over 1000 points for the Goums, so I added a 20mm Flak 38 to the Germans to make them up to around 750 points.  This felt about right for  a attack/defence game based upon the Envelopment scenario from the rule book.

To make it a bit more interesting I didn't initially deploy the German forces but put markers on the board.  I then rolled for each one to see which German unit was in place at that point.  

Turn One 

All German forces are hidden so decided to leave them as is.  All FEC Run (double movement).

The Goumiers advance

Turn Two

For this turn I drew dice and rolled to establish the German unit positions with most of them going into Ambush.  The Goumiers continued their advance the Right (R) hand platoon scaling a hill to try and outflank the German line.  All dice are returned to the bag.  

Turn Three

The action now begins in earnest.  The Goum First Lieutenant draws and Advances.  He also takes 2 extra orders and gives Advance orders to both the Goums R squad and MMG R squad.  They all fire at the nearest Gebirgsjäger (GJ) squad who go from Ambush to Down taking 3 hits and the corresponding PIN but no casualties.  The Goum MMG hits once, there’s no damage but it adds another 1 PIN.  The HQ team fails to score any hits.  The Fallschirmjäger crewed 20mm Flak 38 fires at the Goum HQ hitting twice but causing no casualties,  However, the 20mm cannon inflicts 2 PINS.  The Goums M (middle) squad advance and fire but no hits.  GJ M squad fire on the Goums.  Their LMG misses but the rifle fires causes 1 casualty and 1 PIN.  The Goum Mortar team fires but misses.  Goums L (left) squad Advance and Fire on the nearest GJ squad with 2 casualties and 1 PIN.  Goums MMG L fires at the GB HQ hitting and therefore causing1 PIN but without inflicting any casualties.  The Goum Captain Moves.  The LMG from GB squad L fire at Goum squad L dropping 2 of the Moroccan irregulars and adding 1 PIN to that squad.  All dice are returned to the bag.  

The left side of the battle with the Goums gaining the high ground

Turn Four

The 20mm Flak 38 fires at Goum R squad hitting with causing any casualties but adding 2 PINs (HE).  GJ M Squad LMG fires at Goum M squad, causing 1 casualty and 1 PIN. The GJ riflemen all hit but cause no casualties.  The Goum Captain takes an Advance order and issues the same to Goum M squad,  who being pinned have to take a morale test.  Being Veterans they pass and Advance, firing on GJ M squad inflicting 1 casualty and 1 PIN.  The Goum mortar team fire at GJ M squad scoring hitting without any damage but at least it adds 1 PIN.  GJ L squad pass their order test and Fire on Goum L squad, hitting and adding 1 PIN.  Goum MMG team R fire at 20mm Flak 38 causing a 1 casualty with 1 PIN. The Goum HQ team passes their order test and Fires at the 20mm Flak without success.  The HQ issues order to Goum R squad, who narrowly pass their test and are able to Fire at the 20mm Flak 38 picking off a crewman and adding 1 PIN.  Goum MMG L fires at GJ HQ who declare a Down action.  Even with this they take a casualty and 1 PIN. GJ R squad pass their Order test and score 1 hit and 1 PIN on Goum M squad.  The GJ Hauptmann scores 1 hit wtth 1 PIN on Goum L Squad who pass their Order test and Advance on the Hauptmann scoring 2 hits and 1 PIN.  All dice are returned to the bag.  

Turn Five

The Goum Mortar fires and misses.  Then the Goum assault continues and the battlefield erupts into pockets of hand to hand combat.  Goum squad M passes Order test and charges GJ M squad.  They open fire with everything as they are being assaulted but don’t score any hits.  The Goums score 6 casualties. The GJ don’t score any casualties and having lost the combat comprehensively are destroyed.  The Goumiers' reputation for ruthlessness is well founded!

The Goum Captain charges the GJ HQ who shoot one and the assault fails.  They respond in the melee and kill the Captain.  The Goum HQ passes their Order test and issues Advance to Goum R squad who pass.  They all run down the hill to assault the GJ R squad in Close Combat.  They respond with a withering hail of fire that causes 4 casualties on the Goums who still press home their attack causing 2 casualties.  The GJ respond causing 4 casualties and winning the combat.  The Goum HQ causes 1 casualty to the GJ but is then wiped out in turn.  GJ L team pass their order test and Fire on Goum L squad, another 3 Moroccans fall and this adds another PIN to Goum L squad, feeling the pressure they fail their Order test and go Down.  The lone crewman of the Flak 38 passes his Order test and Fires on Goum R MMG but misses.  The Goum MMG team returnfire to kill the remaining crewman.   GJ Hauptmann team kills 1 of Goum L Squad causing another PIN.  Goum L MMG fire on GJ L squad.  It's exceptional shooting, 3 hits, 3 kills and 1 PIN.  GJ L squad pass the required morale test.  All dice are returned to the bag.  

Turn Six

Goum M squad pass their Order test (shed a PIN) and they Advance firing at GJ R who take 3 casualties and another PIN.  They fail the Morale roll for having taken 50% casualties and flee the battle.  The Goum Mortar team switch targets and incredibly score a hit on the GJ HQ, adding another PIN.  Goum MMG L fire on remnants of GJ L squad causing 1 hit and another PIN. GJ L squad pass the Order test  and Fire on Goum MMG for 1 casualty and 1 PIN. Goum MMG R moves up.  The German Hauptmann  passes the Order test but misses with their Fire.  The German HQ team rallies, as does the Goum L squad.  That's the of the turn.  I didn't roll a 6 to play an extra turn so that's the end of the game.


As with most games of Bolt Action I've played there's a high casualty rate.  The Germans lost 3 complete units and the Goumiers 2.  There was casualties in all the teams too.  As the Goumiers finish with two of their units in the German deployment zone they win the scenario.  

I hadn't played Bolt Action since September, so it was just as well that I'd scanned through a few YouTube videos beforehand to remind me of the rules.  I still forgot some but I suppose that's understandable unless you play regularly.  

I know Bolt Action is often sneered at as beingWH40K for WW2, but it does give a fun game.  I imagine that between 2 experienced players it rattles along very quickly.  For the sort of scenario that I played here I felt it gave a good experience.  If you read about small unit actions in Italy then the Goumiers did try to get to close quarters and many actions were at very short ranges.  I keep meaning to have a game of Chain of Command to see how that plays solo but as with all things it's time.  Also, I'm not sure my old brain can cope with trying to learn another rule set.  


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