Mediterranean MDF buildings revamp pt4 - finished exteriors

After what seems like an age I finally completed the exteriors of the Empires at War Spanish/Italian MDF buildings.  This last stage was working on the wooden areas such as the balcony railings and doors.  Part 1, part 2 and part 3 show the work up to this point.

I can't really say that they're finished as there's the interiors to do and I also want to make some scenic bases for them.  But I've reached a stage where I'm happy with how they look and would use them in a game.

Two Storey house(L).  Large house with balcony (R)                                                         

Large three storey house with balcony (L).  Small three storey house (R)

Arched building (L).  Taverna (R). 

Two views of the church front (L) and rear (R). 

Farm (L).  Villa (R). 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray. Looking forward to seeing your 28mm versions - get those photos sorted!

  2. Great buildings to grace any table.

    1. Many thanks Richard, much appreciated. I got there in the end!


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