Mediterranean MDF buildings revamp pt3 - What a load of walls

With the roofs done, the next stage in the revamp was to work on covering up the unsightly MDF where the corners of each wall joined which I'd talked about here.

I grabbed the remnants of a Privateer Press P3 Jack Bone pot that I've had for years and liberally coated all the corners of each building.  P3 paints are very thick, like the old Citadel Foundation range and will cover anything in one coat.

Mind the gaps

When doing this I noticed quite a lot of gaps at the corners where I'd not assembled the buildings very well.  I decided to fill them, using  Vallejo Plastic Putty which has got a thin applicator nozzle allowing you to be quite precise.  I used an old gift card to force the putty in the  gaps then a rag to wipe it smooth.  With hindsight I should have done this before painting. 

With this done it was time to paint the corners and try to blend them into the rest of the walls.  I used Vallejo Model Colour Dark Sand as the base colour and added in varying amounts of VMC Light Sand, VMC Desert Yellow and Vallejo Game Colour Khaki to blend.  There was nothing precise about this I made it up as I went along mixing and remixing on the fly.  I added the paint by blobbing, stippling and drybrushing it on just to try and give the impressions of texture.  Each building also got a final drybrush of Light Sand just to bring out all the edges.  

Finished church showing "textured" painting

The last task for this stage was to paint the edges of each building's base for which I used Dulux matched to VMC Iraqui Sand.  

And that's another stage done.  I'm much happier with them now and would use them in a game.  However, I'm going to do another stage concentrating on the details.  


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