2023 end of year project summary

Here's the final summary against the original 2023 plan (here), which was revised at the end of August (here). 

New projects for 2023

  • Late-Romans/Pre-Arthurian (28mm) -  👍👍 After a late start on this project I've made some good progress. 13 Germanic warriors and 8 Romans  are ready for action with only the shields to do on another 6 Romans, with another six Romans started.  I'll be working on  these and the command figures for both forces in 2024 and then I'll see about cavalry. 
  • The South African Border Wars (1/300th) -  This new project wasn't on the original 2023 plan, it snuck up on me in the summer and after a bout of intense enthusiasm it left me almost as quickly 😄.  For the moment this one is parked, not abandoned as I still have interest in it.
  • A War Transformed - This was another project which wasn't on the plan.  I've said enough on this in other posts.  It didn't cut the mustard for me, sold on, move on, don't reinforce failure.

Existing projects (pre 2023)

  • Ragnarok (28mm) 
    • Assemble and paint another Norse force using Victrix figures - 👍👍 I've been steadily adding to this project over the year with another 15 figures swelling the ranks.  I've got more than enough for two Ragnarok forces but I'm now working towards enough figures for Ravenfeast games. 
    • Collect appropriate character and monster figures - 👍 I added a couple of  Ljósálfar (Elves) to the wandering monsters roster. 
  • 16th Century Western European Wars (15mm) -👍 This was another late starter, not being touched until July.  I completed all 52 Landsknechts.  However, the other objective for this project was to purchase or make some specific terrain which I didn’t get round to.  
  • Warmaster Revolution (10mm) - 👍👍👍 I'd completed all the figures to make 1,000 points armies for Chaos Dwarfs and Ogre Kingdoms by the end of April.  I didn't get a chance to play any games but will hope to rectify this in 2024. COMPLETE.  
  • Algerian War (20mm) - 👍👍👍 I'd completed two helicopters in May and the additional FFL Paras and ALN that I'd bought in April.  I also got a game in using these new bits.  As much as any project is, this is COMPLETE
  • WW2 Italy 43-45 (15mm) - 👎 Still nothing done here.  I had planned to work on bases for the MDF buildings and repaint the water tower.
  • Zona Alfa/Last Days Zombie apocalypse (20mm) - 👍 I'd bought some zombies and more neo-Soviet characters and completed these in the summer.  I didn't do anything on the MDF ruined buildings or make some specific terrain/scenic pieces.  I did use some of my collection for a game of Space Weirdos but I've still not played Zona Alfa which is what I started this collection for. 
  • Terrain (28mm)
    • Make terrain/scenic pieces that can be used for any of my 28mm/32mm collections (Celtos, Warmachine/Hordes, Burrows and Badgers and Ancients/Dark Ages) - 👍👍 👍 I made some veg beds, woodland scatter pieces, based a load of wattle fencing, made some rocky scatter terrain and some swamp scatter terrain.  There's always more to do terrain wise but it's been quite a productive year. 
  • Finally finish off the 1/48th Sopwith Camel model - 👎 And I still haven't got the pluck up to handle that rigging.


Try and play a minimum of 3 games per third (total of 9 for the year) - I managed ten games which is my best year for ages but it never ever feels enough:
    • I didn't play as many games as intended in the last third.  However, I did play a Seven Years War game and a game of Ravenfeast. 👍👍
    • Between May and August I exceeded this target playing: two games of Ambush Alley, one game of Force on Force, one game of Space Weirdos and one game of Sword Weirdos 👍👍👍
    • I'd already met this target in the first third having played one game each of Warlords of Eherwon, Burrows & Badgers and Bolt Action 👍👍👍


All in in I've got a fair bit done off the original plan, played more games than anticipated and most importantly I'm still really enjoying the hobby.  

I started the year with 321 unpainted figures in 10, 15 and 28mm scales.  The 2023 totals are:

  • 10mm  - 164 figures finished, nothing outstanding.
  • 15mm - 53 finished.  I bought 152 Imperial Romans and Ancient Germans in September which will be one of my major projects for 2024.  
  • 20mm - 41 finished.  10 to do.
  • 28mm  - 72 finished.  79 sold.  128 to do


  1. That's a pretty impressive success rate! Well done 👍


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