2023 Second third plan update

I didn't do a revision to the initial 2023 plan at the end of April (the first third), mainly because I felt I hadn't stuck to it.  I'd definitely gone down a couple of rabbit holes.  Over the last six weeks or so I've refocused and got back on track so I thought I'd revisit the plan.

New projects for 2023

  • Late-Romans/Pre-Arthurian (28mm) -  👍 I've started to look at this properly now with a first batch of figures in progress.  I'd already more or less decided to go all Victrix prior to seeing the early renders of the early Saxons in 2024 which really settled it.  I'll be moving on the Wargames Atlantic sprues, they just don't measure up to Victrix. 
  • The South African Border Wars (1/300th) 👍 This new project wasn't on the original 2023 plan.  I'd been looking for a small scale, larger scope project for awhile and this grabbed my imagination.  I'd bought and painted examples of most of the afvs used in the conflict and need to work out an order for the backbone of each side.
  • A War Transformed- this was another project which wasn't on the plan.  I've got most of a German force already so we'll see what's in the rulebook and go from there.

Existing projects

  • Ragnarok (28mm) 
    • Assemble and paint another Norse force using Victrix figures - 👍 I added six figures in January and another six in August.  I've got enough now for two Ragnarok forces.  They're also suitable for games of Ravenfeast and Sword Weirdos.
    • Collect appropriate character and monster figures - I bought a sprue of Oathmark Elves which I've made a start on.  They'll do as Ljósálfar.
  • 16th Century Western European Wars (15mm) -👍👍I didn't look at this until June but since my return from holiday in Mid-July I've made great progress.  I've painted all 53 Grumpy's Miniatures Landsknechts and 23 are completely finished.  I may get some more arquebusiers to make up another unit but these are done for the time being.  My other objective for this project was to purchase or make some specific terrain.  I did make up and paint a 10mm Pendraken building which scales quite well for 15mm so will look at getting the rest of these.
  • Warmaster Revolution (10mm) - 👍 I'd  completed around 1,000 points for both the Chaos Dwarfs and Ogre Kingdoms armies by the end of April.  There's been a recent rules revision so I need to have a look at this and try and get a game in.   COMPLETE.  
  • Algerian War (20mm) - 👍 I'd painted two of the three helicopters by the end of April and finished them off in May.  I'll probably move the spare one on.  I also bought and completed some more FFL Paras and a few more figures for the ALN.  COMPLETE. 
  • WW2 Italy 43-45 (15mm) - 👎 Still nothing done here.  I had planned to work on bases for the MDF buildings and repaint the water tower.
  • Zona Alfa/Last Days Zombie apocalypse (20mm) - 👍 I've completed the zombies I'd bought early in the year and have added a few more neo-Soviet characters.  I had planned to work on MDF ruined buildings and make some specific terrain/scenic pieces but I've not done anything with these yet.
  • Terrain (28mm)
    • Make terrain/scenic pieces that can be used for any of my 28mm/32mm collections (Celtos, Warmachine/Hordes, Burrows and Badgers and Ancients/Dark Ages) - 👍 I made some veg beds, woodland scatter pieces and based a load of wattle fencing in the first third.  I also made some rocky scatter terrain. 
  • Finally finish off the 1/48th Sopwith Camel model - 👎 And I still haven't got the pluck up to handle that rigging.


  • Try and play a minimum of 3 games per third -  👍👍👍👍Between May and August I exceeded this target playing: 
    • Two games of Ambush Alley - WW2 and Algeria  
    • One game of Force on Force set in WW2  
    • One game of Space Weirdos 
    • One game of Sword Weirdos 
  • I'd already met this target in the first third having played one game each of Warlords of Eherwon, Burrows & Badgers and Bolt Action 👍👍👍


All in in I've got a fair bit done off the original plan, played more games than anticipated and most importantly am still really enjoying the hobby.  The focus I've put in over the last 6 weeks or so has made a big difference.

I started the year with 321 unpainted figures in 10, 15 and 28mm scales.  The current totals are:

  • 10mm  - 164 figures finished, nothing outstanding.
  • 15mm - 23 are finished.  For the last 30 I just I need to attach weapons and base them.
  • 20mm - 41 finished.  10 to do.
  • 28mm  - 12 finished.  21 at various stages.  80 still untouched.  40 that will probably be moved on or used in conversions.   


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