28mm Gothic warriors

If you have read my previous posts (here and here) you'll know how much I enjoyed working on the Victrix Unarmoured Romans set.  Keeping the momentum going I completed another batch.

As with the first two batches I made these as Germanic warriors.  However, with this quartet I used the parts that were specifically for Gothic warriors.  These were the quickest to assemble of the batches as I just followed the suggestions on the assembly sheet.  There's a pair of specific Goth arms to make three spear wielding warriors and a good number of head choices. I used the two with distinctive Germanic topknot hair (not the spiky hair I had in the '80s) and two helmeted heads.  

Annoyingly I broke the spear haft of the warrior on the far right, which isn't hard to do with these thin  spears.  It then pinged off again as I was taking the photos.  I really couldn't be bothered to fix it again when I had them all set up for photos, so that's why it looks a bit odd.  It seems to be always the way that something like that happens with the figure that you think you've done the best paint job on. 

For the moment I've finished them with round shields with the last of the Little Big Man shield transfers.  At some stage I'll get the LBM Gothic transfers for oval shields.  Not gluing the shields to the figure means I have this option.  

My one criticism with this set is that the main frame only comes with four bodies, one of which also has fixed arms.  This really limits the variety, consequently these are the last batch that I'll use for Germanic warriors from this set.   The number of heads is almost excessive compared to the limited number of bodies.  However, it's worked out very well as I'm only building a small force, and I'll use other sets to round out the Germanic force and use the rest of this set for their Late-Roman opponents. 

Germanic dozen


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