March 2023 hobby update

It's been another busy hobby month, so it's another long update.  I finished a number of units, made some terrain and got a game in.  


This month I have mainly been working on Warmaster Revolution.  I've set myself the target of completing both the 10mm Chaos Dwarf and Ogre Kingdoms armies before Salute in April.  I've been cracking on with these and have completed the following:  

  • A regiment of Gnoblars for the Ogre Kingdoms army. 

  • I also threw together a few more scatter pieces for  Mediterranean/Algeria games.  Dead simple to make, I already had the bases cut out from when I made the first batch, I just collected a few more stones from a car park on a day out.  These will also do well for a Post-Apocalyptic wasteland project I'm starting on. 

In progress

The following are on the table as we finish March:
  • A unit of 6 10mm Ogre Rhinox Riders .  This is the last unit from the order that came in September last year. 
  • A slave giant for the Ogre Kingdoms army.
  • The Chaos Dwarf general.


I had a days leave to take before the end of March and took it to play a game of Bolt Action set in the Algerian War  I haven't had a chance to write up the AAR, I'll do that next week.  In the meantime here are some pics.

Research & Reading

My interest in Cyberpunk and Post-Apocalyptic settings has driven my reading. I've discovered my library service has got a load of The Walking Dead graphic novel compilations available digitally.  Rather than put more money into Amazon's bulging coffers I've been borrowing and reading these.  I also read Synners by Pat Cadigan, a Cyberpunk classic.  

As I was preparing for the Bolt Action Algeria game I naturally started thinking about doing more for this and the other French Wars of decolonisation.  I'll be acting on this as Spring progresses.  I’ve also been thinking about WW2 and Weird War stuff as well.


With Salute coming up I had planned to keep purchases to a minimum in March.  Things didn't quite go to plan...
  • My first purchase was a toy car from a supermarket.  The was dirt cheap and is roughly 20mm.  It's a lovely glossy red at the moment, but will be bashed up and made into a wreck for scatter terrain for Zona Alfa.
  • Leading on from my reading and research I bought a few rule sets.  First up was Reality's Edge, picked up at a bargain price from eBay.  It's a comprehensive set of Cyberpunk skirmish rules from Osprey and beautifully produced.  I then went to the other end of the spectrum in all ways and got a copy of Space Weirdos a fanzine type rule set of only 16 pages.  It's got some good mechanics in it and good for quick games.  The last rule purchase was a copy of Xenos Rampant, also from eBay for a good price.  I already have the others in this series and am familiar with the mechanics.  What I like about the Osprey rules is that you're not tied to a particular manufacturers' minis.  

  • To complete my book purchases I picked up an absolutely mint, unread copy of Adventures in my Youth from a charity shop.  This is an Eastern Front memoir published by Helion.  You can't go wrong for £2 can you.
  • I'd been looking into some suitable figures for a Cyberpunk/Sci-Fi/Post-apocalyptic skirmish game for a little while now.  I finally found some that matched the look and price point I was after from South of Resin on Etsy.  The figures are great and the service from Stef was excellent.  The figures require no clean-up and have separate arms and heads to give great customisation options.  Looking forward to starting on these.

  • My final buys of the month were some bits and pieces from a trip to Hobbycraft.  I had a voucher and also a 20% off coupon from the store and used this to get some foamboard, plastic cement and a nice little tool set with a sprue cutter which is something I've never had.


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